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Wyoming Prospectors Association P.O. Box 1269 Riverton, Wyoming 82501 Minutes for meeting held on June 9, 2012 Meeting called to Order at 8:20AM by Vice President Janiece Robinson. Introduction of members and visitors was called for. Minutes of the May meeting were read. Correction on a motion by Randy Hutchison was made. Motion by Eugene Raymond to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Les Armstrong and motion carried. Treasurers Report was read. Randy Hutchison made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report as read, seconded by Carl Anderson and the motion carried. Following a discussion of the proper wording for the qualification for the family membership Les Armstrong made a motion to contact Atty. Nettabell Girard and get a legal aspect of the wording on Membership Application and Bylaws seconded by Glen Lansberry and the motion carried. Les Armstrong reported that Chuck Brackenberry would like to know if the Club wants to buy Amanda 8. He has another potential buyer if we are not going to buy the claim. We decided that after the meeting we would show some new members where the Annual Outing is being held, then go to the Amanda 8 claim and do some prospecting and will report back to the Club at the Outing Meeting. A decision on purchasing the Amanda 8 can be made at that time. Carl Anderson reported that Zane said for the Outing ONLY we have permission to camp and prospect on his property on Rock Creek. NEW INFORMATION ON ZANES PROPERTY ON ROCK CREEK!!! DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND ZANES CONTROL THERE WILL BE NO CAMPING OR PROSPECTING AT ZANES PROPERTY. (This information was received the evening of June 12 during the Board of Directors Meeting and is being added to the meeting minutes in an attempt to get the information to as many of our members as possible). A question was raised on the cost of the Sat. evening meal at the Outing for Non-members. In the past the fee had been $15.00 which is pretty high. Randy Hutchison made a motion to charge $5.00 for each Non-member for the meal only, and $15.00 per Non-member if they want to participate in the common dig and the meal, Deb Palmer seconded and the motion carried. Vice President Janiece Robinson reminded members that elections will be held at the Outing meeting. Les Armstrong made a motion to adjourn seconded by Deana Shipper and the motion carried. The next meeting will be at the Annual Outing and will take the place of the July meeting. ANNUAL OUTING JUNE 22-24/2012 BIG ATLANTIC GULCH (SAME PLACE AS LAST YEAR) Need more information? Go to MORE INFO HERE Meeting adjourned at 9:13AM 50-50 raffle was won by Deb Palmer Door Prize was won by Randy Hutchison Club raffle held immediately following the meeting. Note: following the meeting on May 12, we were invited to prospect on a private claim. Some members left the site where they were working without filling in the holes they dug. Another member had to fill in their holes. MAKE SURE YOU FILL IN THE HOLES WHERE YOU PROSPECT IRREGARDLESS WHO OWNS THE CLAIM
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